Monday 19 September 2011

Analysis of Soap Opera Posters

As we would be making our own Soap Opera Poster I looked into posters that were already out to collect inspiration. There were very few posters on actual soaps. Therefore I decided to analysis similar products. Like Sitcom posters, mostly posters with open narratives as they are similar to soap operas.

First Poster

This poster is mostly Visual as its fully of one single picture, even the verbal part is masked behind a picture of a sign post. The intended audiance would be the previous audiance that Neighbours was aimed at. The common things and signified that are to grab attention are the humorous images as well as the familiar characters.

Second Poster
The Inbetweeners

This poster is made up of purely photographic images and information. It is totally visual as there is no information on the poster apart from the times channels and television show name. The intended audiance is young teens- similar to the characters in the poster.

Third Poster
The Middle

The third poster shows humor as its attention grabbing feature. The word 'Comedy' is used and the comical cow on the side proves this will be a funny show. This poster is verbal and visual as there is a tag line included but the main focus is the image included.

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