Saturday, 7 January 2012

My Final Ideas for Soap Opera Poster

As I was making a final idea for the poster so that our my group could look at and combine ideas from everyone posters, I thought I would instead make two. So that I can improve my first idea before giving my final idea to my group. I simply found a background and boarder to make the main part of the poster then I added a picture I found similar to the one we would take.

This means I was able to see what our poster could look like, what I would need to remember and what else we could add or change.

This is the first magazine cover I made;

As I liked this poster I took it to my group from there and they had come up with similar ideas as we had spoken about it before. As the poster it quite straight forward I only made one idea as they isn't much I could improve on this idea. 
However the background is rather dark and dull and the frame is over powering. This can be easily changed and we will decide on what is right within our group discussions.
Also the characters are floating slightly, this can be changed by creating the right proportions.
I also haven't included any information about the soap opera. When speaking with the group will will come up with a slogan and a logo. These will be included on the final poster as well as the title of our soap.

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