Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Music For Our Piece

After creating our rough cut one myself and my group collected feedback on positive and negative points. One of the main subjects highlighted was the music used in the piece. We already knew that there was something wrong with it but the feedback was confirmation for this.

As a group we were totally unsure what music we could use therefore I spent some extra time looking for songs we could use. As the song had to be royalty free this was extremely hard but I found a few pieces.

I played these songs with the rough cut and none of them fit really well. Therefore I asked a friend that knew how to use a programme called Garage Band he taught me and helped me to create my own song. This way I could create a soundtrack that was more fitting and included conventional sounds and rhythms.

This is the song I created;

The song was uploaded to a programme called SoundCloud as this was the easiest form of sharing it. I don't have a SoundCloud account so I uploaded it to the friends that helped me.

I also played this song with the rough cut and it still didn't fit perfectly. However I will play the song to my group and hopefully from there we will be able to remake something even better. I do like this song though as it is quite catchy and sounds fun and exciting. Its different to most soaps at the moment which could be confusing for the viewers. If I were to recreate this song myself I would make it slightly slower and include more orchestral instruments to give that rural feel.

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