Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Costume and Prop Work

As we need to plan for our film there are numerous things we need to look at before we film so we are prepared. One of those things is costumes. As we have decided to make a soap opera based in a rural area I looked at existing soap operas and found Emmerdale was the closest thing to our soap.
Therefore I watched one of the episodes and looked at the costumes used throughout the episode.
As well as costumes we also needed to look at props. As these things are quite similar and often used in the same shot, I have created a video from screen shots I have taken from one Emmerdale episode. In the video I explain why I have taken screen shots and what the props and costumes actually connote.

Target Audience Importance

As I was unclear on who our target audience was I wanted to create a questionnaire of some sort to figure out who we were aiming our soap opera at. This would then make it easier for me to create products for the right clients. 

To do this I looked at our previous work and looked at questionnaires we had already asked the public. I then looked at the results and made a short video that would help to clarify who our target audience are. I got someone in my class to help my film a short discussion I had with someone in my group. In the video I answered questions like which demographic groups we were aiming our soap at and who was actually in these groups. I then spoke about why we are aiming our soap at these people.

I then went and explained what our new soap opera was and asked people that would be included in the demographic groups we had spoken about and asked if they would watch our soap.

Again this isn't uploaded but is on the mac :/

My Ideas for Soap Titles

Similar to channel logos, our group realised it would be beneficial to us if we created our own Soap title. This would give our soap more individuality and would help the public realise that the soap is new. After looking at some titles I went on to create my own titles that i could show to the group. This are the titles I have created.

The first title I created was quite basic and although it looked good it needed more depth to be a title. this style would work well for a channel logo but soap titles need to have a lot more depth to them. I like this title how ever as the font is really clear and this is something we will have to think about when creating our final title as all viewers young and old will have to be able to read them clearly.

This was my favourite title and works well as it looks really elegant but still matches with the rural theme. I will take this to show my group as it works really well and is really clear and easy for the viewer to recognise and read. If I were to improve this title I would make the actual words 'Mill Lane' more prominent.

My Ideas For Channel Logo

As we would need a Channel logo and Soap opera logo for not only our video, but also for our poster and magazine we thought about creating our own within the group. We then went on to decide we would create two logos individually.

These are the logos I came up with.

This logo was very basic and simple. I also didn't like the colours as it connoted more anger and heat rather than a bright colour that would encourage the public to watch our soap. However red does stand out a lot and I thought about this with my next Channel Logo.

By including a red background instead I was able to incorporate the eye catching colour but make it so it didn't seam so violent and harsh. Looking at my design now I have realised it is similar to popular TV show BBC. This was not intended but could be useful as when we put out logos together in the group we can compare them to existing logos.

Music For Our Piece

After creating our rough cut one myself and my group collected feedback on positive and negative points. One of the main subjects highlighted was the music used in the piece. We already knew that there was something wrong with it but the feedback was confirmation for this.

As a group we were totally unsure what music we could use therefore I spent some extra time looking for songs we could use. As the song had to be royalty free this was extremely hard but I found a few pieces.

I played these songs with the rough cut and none of them fit really well. Therefore I asked a friend that knew how to use a programme called Garage Band he taught me and helped me to create my own song. This way I could create a soundtrack that was more fitting and included conventional sounds and rhythms.

This is the song I created;

The song was uploaded to a programme called SoundCloud as this was the easiest form of sharing it. I don't have a SoundCloud account so I uploaded it to the friends that helped me.

I also played this song with the rough cut and it still didn't fit perfectly. However I will play the song to my group and hopefully from there we will be able to remake something even better. I do like this song though as it is quite catchy and sounds fun and exciting. Its different to most soaps at the moment which could be confusing for the viewers. If I were to recreate this song myself I would make it slightly slower and include more orchestral instruments to give that rural feel.

Hollyoaks Trailer Analysis

Near the end of the research and planning of our soap opera one of the popular soaps had a major story line unfolding and therefore had a lot of publicity and advertisement going on. The video above and the poster below are just two of the many examples the television channel (Channel 4 / E4) had used to lure in the audience. 

I went on to anaylis the video similarly to how I had previously annotated videos
These are my comments on Mise-en-Scene;
Obviously everything is black
Roses and petals are used everywhere- to show a stereotypical wedding
A pregnant belly is shown, but also a baby doll is also broken on the floor
The raining petals might suggest the wedding is all around and is the hype of the street.
Two families are show, most likely families of the bride and groom. Both families are extremely happy.

However none of the bridesmaids or bride and groom are happy.
The black tear shown on the bride at the end might suggest the doesn't want the wedding and its upsetting her.

These are my notes on sound;
An iconic Billy Idol song is used, this entices the audience as its familiar to them
the song is about weddings, but its quite down and different
the rocky theme could connote the darkness and hardness of the show.
A sinister and deep woman's voice is used for the voice over. This makes the viewer listen intensely. 
the voice over also included a sarcastic line, Love Honour and Betrayal. This is not the stereotypical thing said sat weddings but connotes the wedding is bad.

These are my notes on narrative; 
The advert clearly shows there is going to be a big storyline on a wedding
The wedding is most likely a bad omen and not wanted

A baby is expected but might die or be a problem, as the baby is there its not really a 'white' pure wedding

These are my notes on camera angles;

Long shots used throughout - Girls at beginning and to show church
Close up used multiple times - Flowers and petals
                                                               Brides pregnant stomach
                                                               Brides face
                                                              Stereotypical wedding things- cake etc
Two shots used - Groom and the best man
                                   Bride and groom
Birds eye view - Covers all angles.

I then did the same with the poster, although looking again at it now the poster is very basic and there is not much to comment on as it looks like it is a poster to grab the existing audiences attention rather than advertise a new soap and tell everyone of times etc. 
However the poster works really well and the message is slightly unclear to viewers that aren't already watching the soap. To me it looks like the bride is extremely pure and is the innocent one in all of it whereas the other characters are dark and deadly. This contradicts the video as the bride is the main focus and is portrayed to be upset and possibly holding dark secrets. 

Sunday, 8 January 2012

Analysis of Poster (In Our Group)

As there are four people in my group we decided that creating our magazine cover and poster would be easier if we split into two groups. We could then create rough drafts in our side groups and come together and create the final pieces as a full group. 

After I had finished the rough magazine cover I let Scott from my group analysis it. he then also let me analysis his poster design. This way before creating a second draft we could help each other and make it slightly better before creating the final designs.

This is Scott's Poster

Obviously this poster is not complete and Scott let me know that before I started to analysis it. However I went on to analysis it and came up with five positive points and five negative points.


1. The frame looks really good and I really like the fact he has included the 'Mill Lane' title on the frame.
2. He's included both a slogan and a logo, even though they are not finished he remembered the important points.
3. The background wall looks quite good and helps the characters to stand out.
4. The characters he has included all look different and they all stand out individually.
5. The editing of the pictures is quite good as he hasn't cut off a apart of any picture.

1. Not all of the characters are included and not all of them fit inside the frame.
2. The placing of the logo and slogan aren't amazing and could be different colours etc.
3. The cutting of the characters is good, but some parts haven't been completely cut out.
4. The proportions are slightly off. they are right at the front of the 'room' and it makes it seem like the room is completely empty and pointless.
5. The picture quality isn't amazing the pictures could be re taken to a higher standard.

Saturday, 7 January 2012

Research on Soap Opera Websites

After looking online into characters included in existing soaps, I realised the soap websites are all very different but have the same basis.

corrie website2

My Final Ideas for Soap Opera Magaizne

As I was making a final idea for my group to look at and combine with their magazine ideas I thought I would instead make two. So that I can improve my first idea before giving my final idea to my group. I simply made a  layout of the magazine and added pictures of actors from original soaps already out. 

This means I was able to see what our magazine could look like, what I would need to remember and what else we could add or change.

This is the first magazine cover I made;

I have included pictures of original actors, colours that could be used and possibly some useful slogans.
I find the magazine cover is slightly plain and bare. Some parts don't stick out as much as they should. I have also forgot a logo for our magazine, however this is not extremely important to me as I have researched into magazine before and not all of them include logos.
I have also not  added the issue number and date. These are extremely important and this has thought me that I will have to remember them for the next magazine cover I create.

My Final Ideas for Soap Opera Poster

As I was making a final idea for the poster so that our my group could look at and combine ideas from everyone posters, I thought I would instead make two. So that I can improve my first idea before giving my final idea to my group. I simply found a background and boarder to make the main part of the poster then I added a picture I found similar to the one we would take.

This means I was able to see what our poster could look like, what I would need to remember and what else we could add or change.

This is the first magazine cover I made;

As I liked this poster I took it to my group from there and they had come up with similar ideas as we had spoken about it before. As the poster it quite straight forward I only made one idea as they isn't much I could improve on this idea. 
However the background is rather dark and dull and the frame is over powering. This can be easily changed and we will decide on what is right within our group discussions.
Also the characters are floating slightly, this can be changed by creating the right proportions.
I also haven't included any information about the soap opera. When speaking with the group will will come up with a slogan and a logo. These will be included on the final poster as well as the title of our soap.

Stock Character Work

The Bad Boy
The Bad Boy fits in both the roles off protagonist and antagonists; this means they can be included in more than one storyline.The bad boy normally turns out to be quiet funny and likeable. 

Coronation Street
David Platt - Coronation Street

Max Branning
Max Branning - Eastenders

Dan Ewing as Heath Braxton in Home and Away
Heath Braxton - Home and Away

Emmerdale: Sean Spencer
Sean Spencer - Emmerdale

The Gay
Has a main storyline as he is coming out, or being introduced but then goes on to be a 'normal' character. The gay is often in the soap for a very long time, and is often included in love affairs.

Sean Tully
Sean Tully - Coronation Street

Christian Clarke
Christian Clarke - Eastenders

Home and Away and Neighbours are soap operas that don't often include gay story lines as the original Australian target audience are stereotypically very macho and homophobic.

Emmerdale cast and characters: Aaron Livesy
Aaron Livesy - Emmerdale

The Villain
Often interfering with other characters lives and often changing them for the worse. The villain often steals things including money, families and love.

Coronation Street: Frank Foster
Frank Foster - Coronation Street

Yusef Khan
Yusef Khan - Eastenders

Liam Murphy
Liam Murphy - Home and Away

Emmerdale cast and characters: Cain Dingle
Cain Dingle - Emmerdale

The Old Wise One
A character that has been in the soap for a long time, often a know it all. Sometimes the character ends up going crazy, they don't normally have a big storyline, but are included in most episodes.


Emily Bishop

Emily Bishop - Coronation Street

Patrick Trueman
Patrick Trueman - Eastenders

Ray Meagher as Alf Stewart in Home and Away
Alf Stewart - Home and Away

Emmerdale cast and characters: Edna Birch
Edna Birch - Emmerdale

The Strong Woman
Can have a big story line as they normally own a place on the street or is married to a boss figure. They always have to deal with sticky situations and they are sometimes shown in a different light when they become weak.

Carla Connor
Carla Connor - Coronation Street

Kat Moon
Kat Moon - Eastenders

Lisa Gormley as Bianca Scott in Home and Away
Bianca Scott - Home and Away

Emmerdale cast and characters: Chastity Dingle
Chastity Dingle - Emmerdale

The Joker
Normally has no storyline for a long time then a large one comes but it is often a negative storyline to make the audiance feel sorry for them. Always seen in episiodes to lighten the mood.

Greame Proctor - Coronation Street

Alfie Moon
Alfie Moon - Eastenders

Charles Cottier as Dexter Walker in Home and Away
Dexter Walker - Home and Away

Emmerdale cast and characters: Marlon Dingle
Marlon Dingle - Emmerdale

The Pregnant Woman
Normally a teenage character. The character often doesnt want the baby or know who the dad is.

Tracy Barlow
Tracey Barlow - Coronation Street

Janine Malloy
Janine Malloy - Eastenders

Tessa James
Nicole Franklin - Home and Away

Emmerdale cast and characters: Amy Wyatt
Amy Wyatt - Emmerdale