Friday, 21 October 2011

Initial Ideas for Poster Work

These are my two poster layouts. I will show these to my group and this will enable us to come up with a final poster idea.

I will use these poster drafts to help me create my final poster. I will use the layouts so that I can get a good idea of what I will use on my actual poster. By looking at mine with my groups drafts I will be able to create a good layout. I will also look at what I need to include on the posters and these drafts will remind me of what I need.

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Ideas on Our Presentation/Pitch

After finalising the ideas for our soap opera we had to spend the time of creating a Presentation so that we could show our idea to everyone. This would normally be held to a major company like BBC or ITV and they would invest in the soap and play it on their channel. As this was important to starting our soap we had to spend a lot of time creating something extravagant and informative.
To help my group I came up with some ideas for our pitch. We then came together and created a presentation to show the 'company'. These were my own ideas:

  • To create some sort of presentation video, or powerpoint that shows the begining of our soap. It Gives a short viewing of the trailer and is suddenly stopped. This will grab the viewers attecion and make them listen to the rest of the presentation. The rest of the presentation would be included with facts and firgures about our soap opera.
To film a possible scene from our piece and do similar to the above. But this way the film piece would be a lot more interesting and would make the viewers want to see more.

  • Another idea was to dress up as if we were from the soap. To take on a rural persona and explain the soap opera through our characters. We could also simply just dress up and use printed images, and important words to present to the viewers exactly what our soap opera was about.
  • My least favourite idea was simply just a powerpoint or Prezi presentation full of ideas, facts and firgures about our soap opera and what it would entail. This was least likely to be used but includes the most information which is what is needed.

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Initial Ideas for My Magazine Cover

Going on from my first post on Magaiznes I have made up some initial plans for my magazine cover. After completing these I will collaberate with my group to make our own magazine cover.

In these two drafts I will contain titles, ideas on images and some explinations as to why I have created it this way.

This is my first magazine draft, after I make a second draft I will go on to create a magazine plan with colours, images etc.

This is my Second magazine draft and is only slightly different. The shape is rather similar but I have included space for more cover lines to make the soap seem a lot more interesting and enticing.

I will use these two drafts when I am creating my final magazine, they will help me to see not only the layout I should use, but they will remind me of all the things I need to include. The drafts will mainly help me with the layout of the magazine covers as I will be able to see what works well and what doesn't. Also I will be able to look at my own with my groups work and see which looks the best and possibly mix some together.

Sunday, 9 October 2011

Consent For Locations

When coming up with ideas about our soap opera we came across the fact that there were no soap operas based on social services. Things like Firemen and Policemen. I thought this was an interesting idea as if we chose firemen and there home lives we could create a really interesting trailer. 
As I was interested in this idea I went on to write a letter to our local fire station:

To whom it may concern

I am a student of Chelmer Valley High School Sixth Form and I am taking an a-level in Media Studies. Currently in class we are creating a trailer for a new soap opera. The course is asking us to create a brand new soap opera for a certain target audience. I am in a group of myself and three other and we are currently brainstorming ideas on what we could base our soap opera on. Some of us had the idea of looking into Fire mans lives and setting the bulk of the trailer in the fire station.

As we were unsure if this was even possible I thought I should take the time to get into contact with you and find out if this is a possibility. I understand if it is not, as I can see how it can be a hindrance to your work.
Thank you for taking the time to read and think about what we are asking

Yours sincerely
Emily Wallace 

I did not get a reply to this letter but I am glad I sent it as it gave us a chance to think out side of the box for our soap opera.

Magazine Initial Notes

As we were going to create a magazine for our new soap in our groups I decided to take the time to look into what a conventional soap opera or TV listings magazine would contain.
As we are only concentrating on making the front cover I have found out the conventions of this.

A conventional magazine cover for soap operas.

Conventions of a Magazine Cover;
Images- often airbrushed
Main Image of characters in the soap
Cover Line- takes a 1/4 of the page
The Left Third - the area that is seen in newsagents as the magazines are stack. Includes the most important parts
Cover lines- smaller stories included in the magazine
Selling Line- often the price
Mast Head - the name of the magazine, also included on the contents page
Date line- includes the date and the issue number

Magazines never have a space that is not full of information or images.

Poster Initial Notes

Similar to the magazine cover we are also creating a poster to go alongside our new soap opera.
I also went on to research the conventions in soap opera posters.

An example of a conventional soap opera poster.

Conventions to look for:
Bright, stand out colours
Symbols- is there anything to decode?
Main Figures- posters are mainly made of images and hardly any text
Background is important
What pleasures to include (gratification)
Something that gains attention- could be humor, shock, surprise, possibly familiar people

Tag lines
Details- time, date, channel

These are things I will speak to my group about including in our own poster.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Extra Soap Opera Trailer Analysis

As I had only anaylised a few soap opera trailers i wanted to look into it further as i was not thinking of any new trailer storylines or getting any inspiration. I also wanted to learn more about common conventions and what I could include in our trailer. To do this i searched for new soap opera trailers. This was extremly hard and could not find any more than the ones I had already analysised. Therefore I started to analyis trailers for soaps, weather it be for a sotryline of a new character or a chacter leaving, I thought it was better to get inspiration from popular trailers instead of looking at new trailer openings for soap operas I didnt know.

I only took simple notes as I already had an idea of what to include in my own and was simply just looking for inspiration.

Emmerdale Crash Advert

These are my comments on Mise-en-Scene;
starts feet- panic, dont know anything
Pub/Bar- safe and fun
A lot of fades to black used, shows the unknown? darkness
At the end shots of car then one of train and the car is no more seen, suspense and worry.

These are my comments on Sound;
Diegetic sounds
The sound is built up at the beginning
A car rev is used and then only a crashing sound without any image on screen, dramatic and intense

These are my comments on Narrative;
Some speech is used- funny laughs and jokes
mostly voice over at the end
The story line is intense and know one knows what could happen
Todorvos theory of elquilbrium

These are my comments on Camera;

A lot of tracking is used to show the running and the car crash
Two shots
Long shots
Close ups
Establishing shots

Neighbours on a New Channel

These are my comments on Mise-en-Scene;
Homes and drive ways used- sets the scene
Animals connotes Austrailian way?
Shows all the characters in the soap
Starts with the words same Ramsy Street
Props theory of Characters

These are my comments on Sound;
Loud clapping sounds
Common song tune is used - happy, something the audiance know and can relate to. Similar to the actual soap
Bouncing sounds throughout
Screams and laughs of joy
The music becomes more intense at the end
Both non diegetic and diegetic sound used

These are my comments on Camera;
Aerial shots
Long Establishing shots
No close ups are used
Mid shots
Tracking throughout follows characters- excitement

These are my comments on Narrative;
There is a upbeat sound used 

Almost all of the characters say something
Fun exciting words used
The storyline is basic and the viewer knows the show is moving channel.

Eastenders New Characters

After looking at this trailer I have realised that it is not only a play on a famous song. But also a play on words as the family being introduced are actually called the 'Jacksons'.

These are my comments on Mise-en-Scene;
Bright and bold
Dancing- connoting fun and enjoyment
There are other characters looking at the singing dancing crew- some are happy some look angry

These are my comments on Sound;
Song is the basis of the trailer, a popular song that catches the audiance attention but the words are changed
Voice over- introducing the Jackson five! A new family, EASTENDERS is said to show it is important
Only words spoken are the words- angrily said and only the names of the children

These are my comments on Camera;
Long shots
Mid shots
Two shots
Close ups
Establishing shots

These are my comments on Editing;
Jump shots- show quickness and energy
The names etc are added on in timing with the music
Freeze frames are used when the names appear to show its important

These are my comments on Narrative; 
The sound is upbeat
Its a well know soundtrack
There is not much talking as they are all singing
The story line is apparent in this trailer, the new family 'The Jacksons' are making there way to Eastenders. This makes the viewer want to watch more.

Soap Trailer Analysis

To get a really good idea of what conventions opening trailers have I studied three different existing trailers. I looked out for what signs and signifers it had. By learning about Propps theory of conventions and charaters it was intresting too look out for what was included and this then led me to think about what we would need to include.

Eastenders First Trailer

These are my comments on Mise-en-Scene;
Starts with Albert Square- shows the audiance where they are and that is the characters home. Possibly a social hub. There is then an establishing shot including the sign, signifing there is more than just the square. A lot of settings are brick and buildings, possibly signifiying there are a lot of homes and characters but also showing it is a urban based soap opera. A pub is shown with two women in it gossiping. This not only shows the pub is a mian feature but shows the characters are comfertable with talking about others. The shot then cuts to a man speaking about 'Gossip' in a business manner, he seems very confidant and possibly a bad boy main character.
Then at the end of the trailer and establishing shot is used to show the front of the pub and all of the characters in the soap. This shows the happiness by there waving and smiles but also lets the audiance see how many people are included.

These are my comments on Sound;
The famous 'DUN DUN DUN' is shown at the begining of the trailer as this shows the drama included in the soap. The soaps tune then starts and plays almost throughout the whole trailer, fading out at one point but soon fading back in. The tune used is happy and is now a recognisable classic tune.
These are my comments on Narrative;
Most of the narrative included in this piece is voiceover. This is helpful to me as we have to include a voiceover and this is a good example. The voiceover tells the story and lets the audiance know what is going on. The voice over at the end is also very intense and lets the viewers know the correct information.

These are my comments on Camera;
There are a variety of shots throughout this piece. The one i found most effective was the close up of the sign then into an establishing shot of the actual 'square' This was really effective and I will suggest looking into it further with my group. There are a lot of pans used, mostly to show the path of characters. There are two shots, mid shots, close ups and long shots used.

Home and Aways First Trailer
(one of the first)


These are my comments on Mise-en-Scene;
The trailer starts with the titles, they are bright, coulrful and eye catching. This could connote that the soap opera will be the same. There are very minimal settings in this trailer as it is mostly set in someones living room with some shots of exterior greenary. I found that most of the narrative is inside this could signify that secrets are kept well as they are only spoke about in someones home. This lets the viewer know that there is secracy and scandal in the soap. The exterior shots of the trailer are mostly of the young couple, this connotes happiness as its bright and natural.
These are my comments on Sound;
A slight quiet tune is played throughout the piece to show the tranquility throughout the trailer. The music becomes more intense at the end as the trailer is finishing this creates an atmosphere and encourages the audiance to listen careful and watch further.
These are my comments on Camera;
There are a variety of shots used in this piece including;
Two shots
Mid shots
Close ups
Long shots
and establishing shots.
These are linking with a number of pans instead of cuts. This connotes the soap moves on smoothly and possibly that the characters are closely connected.
These are my comments on Narrative;
There is a voiceover used in this trailer and it tells you exactly what is happening. With the aid of the actual narrative the characters are speaking the audiance knows exactly what is going on and everyones view on the storyline. The voice over also gived the correct information and the end of the trailer telling the audiance when and where they can see home and away.